Origins & Vision

Founded in June 2009 by a few committed sisters in our community - mostly as a private summer gathering in Newtown CT, to tutor their children about their deen, this ‘gathering’ steadily grew into a ‘school’ with its enrollment increasing from its initial goal of eleven children to over 60 children in its first 2 months of operation. Encouraged by this initial success, the teachers, staff and parents at the Al Hedaya ‘School’ decided to continue during the academic year with an After-school program 3-4 times a week with even more children from our community continuing to enroll - and more volunteers and staff joining in to support the expansion. Over a period of the following year, with more Programs for New Muslims, Youth, Women etc the ‘school’ grew into the ‘Al Hedaya Islamic Center’ of the newly created corporation – the Muslim Society of Greater Danbury Inc., alhamdulillah